Guldsmeden Hotels - Launching Lulu Guldsmeden in Berlin

Client: Guldsmeden Hotels

01 | Challenge

Lulu Guldsmeden is a 4 star hotel in Berlin and part of the Danish hotel chain Guldsmeden Hotels with hotels in Copenhagen, Aarhus, Berlin, Oslo, Reykjavik, Côte d’Azur and Bali. Lulu Guldsmeden opened in Berlin in February 2018. 

However, as Lulu Guldsmeden was Guldsmeden Hotels’ first hotel in Germany and the hotel chain was unknown in the country at the time, Guldsmeden Hotels wanted help to increase bookings and create awareness among the German public and media, as well as to push the visibility of Guldsmeden Hotels as an overall brand.

Photo credit: Guldsmeden Hotels.


02 | Solution

To help increase bookings in the opening phase and create awareness of the hotel and brand among the German public and media, we created a pre-opening and launch campaign for Lulu Guldsmeden. 

Our primary strategy was to increase focus in media, both print and online, and engage influencers in the storytelling around the hotel by highlighting key elements of the brand (e.g. the concept of Danish ‘hygge’, eco-friendliness, style and architecture, food and wellness). 


For the pre-opening campaign in 2017/2018, we produced a press kit with information, facts and high-quality visuals from the hotel that was sent to all relevant German media to announce the opening of Lulu Guldsmeden. Furthermore, in the months leading up to the opening, we sent out three press releases, each with a different storytelling focus from the hotel to create interest towards the launch in February 2018 among German medias.  

In February 2018, we hosted a launch party at the hotel for media, influencers and relevant stakeholders,  as well as we announced the opening in a national press release.

Photo credit: Guldsmeden Hotels.


03 | Result

Based on the pre-opening and launch campaign we generated 24 clippings print and online of the Lulu Guldsmeden Hotel, among other in the ‘Lonely Planet Traveller’, the magazine ‘Food & Travel’, on the popular blog ‘Blog Boheme’ and in various newspapers. 


  • 24 clippings, print and online
  • Total print readership: 10,571,265
  • Total online readership: 2,565,412
  • Total EAV: 3,521,897 EUR

Photo credit: Guldsmeden Hotels.

Interested in this case?

Allan Sonne Sørensen
Partner & CEO

+45 51 88 82 70