Lieken Urkorn Fit & Vital Supergreens Spring-Clean

Client: Lieken Urkorn

01 | Challenge

The new product launch of the Lieken Urkorn „Fit & Vital Supergreens“ lower carb bread was planned for the turn of the year 2016/2017.

With the hastag #happynewyeah, a generator for new year resolutions and cooking videos hosted by German actress Janina Uhse, Lieken Urkorn’s lead agency spread the word about the new green bread with spinach and stinging nettle.

We were supposed to support the campaign with PR measures which reach the low carb and detox community (target group: health-conscious women, age: 18-40).

02 | Solution

The main focus was to authentically position the new product in a health-conscious environment. Since the launch was directly the turn of years 2016/2017, we wanted to include the New Year's resolutions topic into our planning. The target group was supposed to perceive the bread as a healthy alternative for wheat or whole grain bread without forfeiting taste.

To reach the target group effectively, we decided to organize cooperations with the four relevant blogs Do&Live, Lowcarbköstlichkeiten, Franzellii kocht and Happy Mind Magazine. All four bloggers write about the topics health, conscious nutrition and fitness. Especially in the first weeks of the new year, the call for a more conscious but tasty diet with the new Supergreens appeared very authentic on the blogs – their followers loved the good advice and the green food innovation. High-quality pictures showed the green bread prepared and packaged and therefore increased the recognition value for the consumer.


In addition to this, we cooperated with the high-reach online magazine and raised awareness for the “Lieken Urkorn Fit & Vital Supergreens Frühjahrsputz”. The idea: The new Lieken Urkorn Fit&Vital Supergreens sponsors a wellness weekend at the Kubatzki Hotel in St. Peter-Ording. Meanwhile, the winner’s apartment gets professionally cleaned by Helpling, a German cleaning company – a spring-clean from within and without.

By winning over the popular Kubatzki Hotel and Helpling as cooperation partners, we created a very attractive incentive for the target group. The new product was placed in a fresh, healthy, and wellness related context on and its partner websites and

03 | Result

Thanks to the four blog cooperations, the digital launch of the new Lieken Urkorn „Fit & Vital Supergreens“ was a full success. The new product was authentically presented to the target group as a food innovation. In addition, all blogs referred to the #happynewyeah campaign and the generator for new year resolutions, which additionally pushed the measures of the lead agency.


The online advertorial on drew a lot of attention to the new product and increased the overall reach of the campaign – especially because of the advertising on the partner websites and

1,7 M

DKK in advertising value



Interested in this case?

Tim Kötting
Director Germany

+49 (0)40 68 91 62 707