Roadshow for Promote Iceland

Client: Promote Iceland

01 | Challenge

Promote Iceland works to enhance Iceland’s image and reputation, improve the competitive position of Icelandic businesses in foreign markets, and attract foreign investment and tourists to the country. The tourism industry is of major economic significance in Iceland, and it has grown significantly in recent years. However, Northern tour operators does not show the desired interest in Iceland, making it challenging to fulfill their vision to attract more visitors from Northern countries year-round and to various parts of Iceland.

02 | Solution

EHRENBERG SØRENSEN Kommunikation conducted a tour operator analysis of the Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, and Finnish markets to identify Iceland’s potential as a Northern destination and to determine the best approach to increase visitation and strengthen relationships with Northern tour operators.

The qualitative analysis showed that tour operators in all markets expressed a desire to increase their activities in Iceland and develop a gain more knowledge about the destination. The analysis concluded that Promote Iceland had the potential to develop a stronger relationship with tour operators and strengthen dialogue with them through a road show to the Scandinavian capitals.

03 | Result

We organised a road show  for Promote Iceland in Denmark, Norway, and Sweden. During the workshops, Promote Iceland and some of Iceland’s largest tourism stakeholders were able to strengthen relationships with key partners and share information about Iceland’s tourist attractions.

More than 50 tour operators across the three markets stated that they gained new knowledge about Iceland as a destination and that they would update their product offerings.


Interested in this case?

Allan Sonne Sørensen
Partner & CEO

+45 51 88 82 70