Testing SalzburgerLand’s summer season
Client: SalzburgerLand Tourismus
Client: SalzburgerLand Tourismus
SalzburgerLand is traditionally known for its rich amount of snow and exquisite ski slopes, and each year Danes and Swedes spend 1.1 million overnights in SalzburgerLand. And yet it is no surprise that 73% of the guests from Denmark and Sweden visit SalzburgerLand during the winter season, while only 27% travels during the spring, summer, and autumn.
To open more people’s eyes to the other seasons and to promote SalzburgerLand as a year-round destination, EHRENBERG SØRENSEN Kommunikation created a summer campaign to put focus on the many activities and reasons to go during the warmer months.
To showcase the many possibilities, activities and beautiful nature of spring, summer, and fall, we developed the concept “THE OUTDOOR TEST”.
The campaign consisted of a group trip of eight Danish influencers who tested their abilities at some of the many outdoor activities in SalzburgerLand’s various regions such as Alp yoga, hiking, E-biking, and river rafting.
By using influencers to communicate the destination’s year round experiences, we had the possibility to show the destination to the target group in a more relatable way.
Additionally, the campaign included a section on SalzburgerLand’s website, 8 posts on the Danish Facebook page and a brand kiss between SalzburgerLand and Sport24, who posted content about THE OUTDOOR TEST via its own channels.
In total “THE OUTDOOR TEST” generated 60 Instagram posts with 30,283 engagements and 645 Instagram stories. Altogether the influencer collaboration resulted in a total of 2,446,434 impressions. In addition to this, the brand kiss with Sport24 generated a total of 261,216 impressions that were reached through their owned online and social channels. Sport24 also exposed visitors in-store across Denmark to SalzburgerLand’s brand.
“We, from SalzburgerLand want to thank EHRENBERG SØRENSEN Kommunikation for the valuable and successful collaboration! ESK supports us in the best possible way in the field of PR, events, business and media collaborations, and advertising activities. Especially the personal support and continuous accessibility, as well as the lovely collaboration, which makes us feel like ESK staff are our highly appreciated colleagues. We plan to continue the collaboration with ESK and further increase the awareness of SalzburgerLand in the Danish and Swedish market and continue being the preferred Austrian holiday destination of Danes and Swedes.”
- Yvonne Rosenstatter, Head of Market Management, SalzburgerLand Tourismus.
Photo credit: SalzburgerLand Tourismus
Allan Sonne Sørensen
Partner & CEO
+45 51 88 82 70