The success of every organisation is determined by the framework conditions it operates within. Every day, politicians, civil servants and other regulatory officials at EU, national and regional level take decisions that impact organisations’ abilities to achieve their goals. Understanding these framework conditions and influencing them to complement one’s own interests forms the core of Public Affairs. Effective Public Affairs serves an important function for organizations by shaping public opinion and ultimately public policy and conversely serves an important function in politics – by putting forward the views of organizations to policy makers and ultimately in the development of better legislation to the benefit of society as a whole.
At the centre of our work are your interests. Be it long-term strategic communication or project-based actions – you tell us your challenges and objectives, we provide strategic consulting and the ability to manoeuvre in and shape the framework conditions you work in and provide you with the right tools: government relations, communication channels, alliance building, information dissemination, strategic communications advice etc.
Our concept of Public Affairs is based on mutual trust and a complete understanding between us, our clients and our network. We have a strong and proven track record within transport, tourism and lifestyle and are experts in the regulatory framework within these spheres. Public Affairs has the strongest impact if used in line with a long-term strategy. Therefore, we welcome entering a long-term relationship with our clients. Of course, we also provide project-based and ad hoc Public Affairs actions.
For a complete overview of our services please contact us directly.